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Hi, I'm a computer programmer to pay bills and support my family. However, classic rock is hard-wired to my soul. Because of my Dad's music influence, I grew up in the 90s listening to The Doors, The Rolling Stones, and Ted Nugent instead of Green Day and Blink 182. That love for 60s and 70s music never left.

After my Dad passed away in my late 20s, I started to get serious about learning guitar. I started taking lessons at my local guitar shop. I year battle with cancer set me back, but now I'm back at it ready to rock n' roll.

I own a PRS Standard SE and MIM Fender Jaguar. I also have my Dad's '79 Fender Stratocaster Anniversary Edition, but I rarely play it. For amps I have 3 solid state amps (2 Fenders) and my Dad's '74 Fender Deluxe Reverb tube amp. I recently got the tube amp fixed up by a local amp technician.

Feel free to contact me: carldaddy87 at gmail dot com.

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